Are you intrigued by the intricate chemical processes that sustain all life? If so, 成人抖音破解版's biochemistry program, which is approved by the American Chemical Society, can help you explore how the structure and reactions of molecules support the function of living systems, leading you to exciting, in-demand careers in medicine, pharmacology, microbiology, clinical chemistry, food science or agriculture. Life happens – and you can discover how.
Gain real-world knowledge through key biochemistry courses including:
Structural Biochemistry: Study the structure and function of biologically important compounds including amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes, carbohydrates and lipids.
Biochemical Laboratory: Learn the introductory laboratory methods used to isolate, characterize and synthesize biologically important compounds.
Molecular Biology: Explore the synthesis of nucleic acids, discuss DNA-based information technologies and interpret experimental data.
Students will gain a high-quality education and participate in advanced undergraduate research that will enable their success in the rigors of graduate school or in their profession in the field of biochemistry. In 成人抖音破解版's biochemistry program, students can:
Degree: Undergraduate | Bachelor of Science
College: Morosky College of Health Professions and Sciences
Associate Professor
Dept of Chemistry/Biochemistry
Assistant Professor
Dept of Chemistry/Biochemistry
Assistant Professor
Dept of Chemistry/Biochemistry
Associate Professor
Dept of Chemistry/Biochemistry
Assistant Professor
Dept of Chemistry/Biochemistry
Dept of Chemistry/Biochemistry
Program Director, Biochemistry
Director, Chem. Engr.Prg.
Dept of Chemistry/Biochemistry
Dept of Chemistry/Biochemistry
Assc Dean, School of Science
Col.Health Professions & Sci.
Associate Professor
Dept of Chemistry/Biochemistry
Assistant Professor
Dept of Chemistry/Biochemistry
Dept of Chemistry/Biochemistry
Adjunct Lecturer
Dept of Chemistry/Biochemistry
Adjunct Lecturer
Dept of Chemistry/Biochemistry
Chemistry Lab Coordinator
Dept of Chemistry/Biochemistry
Adjunct Lecturer
Dept of Chemistry/Biochemistry